SOL.15 DAY 21r

First of all, happy Easter. I hope you guys overall enjoyed your day as much as I did! Even though mine was weird, it was still enjoyable because of what? My moms lasagna! Which, first of all, she Sears’s to never disappoint me, five starts mom. Anyway, so my sister underestimated me. So my grades last quarter were pretty good, I don’t really like being cocky when it comes to these types of things, but hey, bringing it up is a big part for this blog. Again keep in mind this is no way of bragging, it’s just needed information to explain to you this specific moment of my day. So, for quarter three, I got twenty two fours. But my big headed sister underestimated my abilities and said I got like fifteen. ExCuse Me! Don’t you dare give out false information in my name. So obviously I defended myself saying that was false. Then she argued with me saying that she read them. And obviously, that triggers my anger issues and I was running up stairs to get my report card to show her that she was reading false news. I counted first, confirming it was indeed twenty two, but my sister insisted saying I rigged it and I was being bias. So I let her see for her self. MWHAha, I slowly watched her jaw drop. But guys, don’t hate my sisters, of course I’m going to give her a hard time, because at the end of the day we’re siblings and I love her, and that’s that folks!


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