My books

Book review #1: Page by Paige

There was no doubt in my mind that this book was obviously going to be amazing.
The illustration was overall amazing, the grey and white really goes with the characters emotions.
The cons for me are, I wish the other characters were very as involve as the main character. That’s about it for the cons. The pro’s are countless for me. I’ll state a few though. Perfect transitioning, it had the reader very engaged as well perfect words for describing. Now the final question, is it Eloise Approve? IT IS! 

Book review #2: Middle school, Get me Out of Here

My reaction to the first book was a very good impression, so of course I wasn’t going to play nice guy with the second one. Let’s start off with the cons. Things happened very quickly, they went from a plot to another within’ two chapters. Let’s finish off positive with some pro’s. It was VERY intriguing. I was comfortable with the characters, it was VERY hysterical. I felt like I was the main character, and I was feeling their emotions. Now final question, is it Eloise Approved? Yes in fact it is! 

Book review #3: Chiggers.

Look, I’m the type of person that will give it too you straight no matter the cost. And we all have the right to our opinions. So basically what I’m saying is, it wasn’t for me. Just the characters were confusing and the plot was no where to be found. Let’s for the first time ever start with the pro’s. There were good illustration. Now the cons, it had no volume, I felt like I was reading a newspaper that had all the words faded. The final question, is it Eloise Approved. For the first time in history, it is not.

Book #4: Invisible Emmie.

Middle school can either be tough or easy, no in between unless your really lucky. If you like middle school then your either a cheerleader or a physco path. No in between. As someone that is currently in middle school it was so refreshing to me that I’m reading something that normally causes me stress, yet I can laugh at it. It’s so questionably funny when I think more in dept with it. There are literally ZERO cons once so ever. The plot was AMAZING, I would hundred percent read it eight teen more times until I slightly get sick of it. IT’S ELOISE APPROVED, PERIOD. 

Book #5: ROOM

If were being deep, I hate things that have real life consequences. I’m genuinely scared of them. But reading room had me so, influenced. It had me wanna do more research about things like this. I felt influenced. I wanted too know more, I wanted to get my remote and watch the news. I wanted to be aware. I overall enjoyed the book it kept going from sad to happy. It was like being on a rollercoaster which every book should do. Now the final question, is it Eloise Approved? IT IS!

Book #6: Elephant Talk

I normally, no scratch that COMMONLY really dislike `animal books. Because I find the plot to be no where found. Unless it’s for research, animal books are a no bueno for me. “ Then Eloise why did you get it?! ” I did because in my ELA class we have a elephant ( stuffed animal, just in case if you all are screaming about it ) I named it, Timothy ( Timmy ) Alicia Josephine The Third. So I got the nook for overall amusment I guess. Then the time came around when I finished ` ROOM ` and I’m,in constant need of a book. And library was forever away. So looking back at it I could’ve asked my
ELA teacher if I can borrow one of the books in her library, but at the end of the day zero regrets. I read it in my free time at home and it was very time consuming as well a great time killer. Transitioning was overall very nice! Now, the final question, is it Eloise Approved? Why it is!

Book #7: Short.

When I was picking out books for me to read my eyes were automatically drawn to Short giving off the impression by the cover that it was going to be interesting. And every book should do that. Let’s start off with the cons, as bias as this might sound, the pages were a little SHORT ( insert comedy drums ) but yes on a serious note they were. They weren’t like a uncomfortable small where. Couldn’t deal with it. It was just not something normally I would be used to. If you enjoy reading off of short pages then I recommend for you to read Short. But an up it it only lasts a couple pages so that’s when. Started en joying the demographic of the book. Pro’s are everything else to be honest! It was such an amazing and such and understanding book. It wasn’t that touchy to me personally but it may for you. Now, is the book Eloise approved.. Yes it is!

Book #8: Brave

Brave again is pretty darn similar to Invisible Emmie. It really helps middle schoolers out telling them their not alone. Brave can give that kid the confidence they are in desperate need of. There’s a really nice lesson to it. For the first time this is me explaining the plot of a book because I just really want to explain it. So basically, you have a boy name Jensen that’s in a unknown year of middle school, which I guess that can technically be considered a con. Anyway, you later on gets bullied because of something he really cant control, his size. Like what is he supposed to do get skinnier. How is it fair for you to decide someone’s weight, or what if someone decided yours. He really admires the Newspaper club because they’re caorageousness and their charisma. And he dreeeeams to be apart of something. He also has friends that verbally bully him. But he doesn’t think that counts. But in reality in the real world, that counts more. I’m not going to spoil it to much, but he slowly
kinda builds up the bravery. Now, is it Eloise approved, why yes it is

Book #9: Awkward:
Brave is basically a follow up book to Awkward. But with me and my big head I decided to read Brave first, so that’s completely my fault. So if I give off criticism, it’d kinda be me trying my best. Awkward is a really good book about overall second chances and friendship sorta say. I kinda took this book a bit to serious than than I should’ve because I read too ahead. The book is overall kinda relatable. About getting along and about who cares if we’re different. Or so what if we have different interest. It’s everything that I hope middle school was. I know this was short, but. Didn’t really have a lot to say. The books plot is really interesting and really understanding, which is why suggest it if that’s what you look forward into a book. Now final question, is it Eloise approved? Yes it is!

Book #10: Mercury
Mercury is a really knowledgeable but interesting book. You don’t really realize how in dept the book really goes. It’s basically like two timelines, that have some sort of a relation to each other. And its a little sad like. And I don’t really express about this, but the art style is like SUPER SUPER good! So that’s a huge pro on the authors part. I felt somewhat connected with the characters. Because its really important to have some sort of a connection with the reader. And that’s what this book has specifically done to my soul. So, huge clap and a half to the author for doing that. This is pretty much the most self explanatory decision ever, but is this book Eloise approved? It most definitely is!


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