About me

My name is, Eloise. I like fantasy books, my current book I’m on is Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secretes. My favorite anime currently is, Mekakucity Actors. I go to bed at 10:30 PM. I write blogs every week. My favorite color is, black. My favorite class is S.T.E.A.M. I’m in Anime club and Pokemon club. I do intend joining art. My favorite restaurant is Jelly Jam, get their Micky Mouse pancakes. My favorite WII game is, PokΓ©park 2. I finished it 2 times. I have a dog and cat named Loki and Nova. I used to have a fish. I currently am comfortable with the group of friends I have. I’m not a fan of Social Studies. I prefer DSI than 3DS. I like Mario Cart. I’m decent at Super Smash Bros. Annnnd, I don’t really have that much- OH! My favorite candy is skittles. I love extreme flaming hots. 7-11 is the best store in history! I’m sorry, am I making things over dramatic? That wasn’t my intention. My favorite mobile game is, Best Fiends. And, that’s it! I may reference this stuff through out the year, so get ready!Oh, and I as well go to school at Heritage Middle School.


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