SOL.8 DAY 15

Today in ELA I got the biggest reality check I got in a while. So lemme give you a bit of information to start off with. So, almost everyday in class, we do a journal promo with a topic. Today we watched a video. This specific video was longer than usual, it was ten minutes and a couple seconds long. But dang, was it an eye opening in experience for me. It was showing like sixty random acts of kindness. There were a couple that made me smile, and there were also a couple that made me wanna sob my eyes out. Lemme name a couple for you viewers that decided to click on this blog post. So I’m pretty sure this was the first one on the list, it was a person who held a door shut to protect fellow students from a tragic natural disaster. The person who was brave enough to do that, went to the hospital. And knowing that he’s there because he was protecting his classmates really gives me faith in humanity sort to say. There was another one that made me wanna stand up, leave the room and cry. So people have busy days, and they wont let anything come first, but after I saw this one this again gave me faith in humanity sort to say. So, twelve people I’m pretty sure that was the number took time out of their days to save a man from attempting to commit suicide. This was so kind and sad on so many levels for me. Because if the reality was that the people didn’t care and ;eat that man take his life, that would be horrible on so many standards. So again, I’m happy people take times out of their days to do these kinds of things.


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