A narrative story, or is it?

So, I’m not as interesting or as intriguing as some other bloggers. But I do have a couple of knee slapping stories. The one I’m sharing this week is what I’m about to address, keep in mine I was like, five. Enjoy, I guess.
We were at least three blocks away from their house.
Don’t pull the Handle, a narrative by Eloise Negron.    
7:23 PM, Tuesday. My mom raised her voice atleast approximately five times more whenever my five year old self was way to attached to my rug waiting for Wow Wow Wubzy! to come on. My mom well. Do you actually gave into come to my room and drag me to the car so we can go to my aunt and uncle’s.Of course the stubborn child I was I didn’t want to go because I want to do for my power Puff girls to come on. 8:23 PM. OK fine I was about to persuade my mom said we can go to Dunkin’ Donuts and I can get two chocolate milks.I was in the backseat with my sister and my mom was in the front. We were at least three blocks away from their house. I look out the window and then I looked at the car and thinking, “ What the flipper jappers, what’s this? ” You know the saying curiosity killed the cat.Well I think this was the best time to be curious.But it was not.I gave my sister that looks thing should I? She shook her head repeatedly but I didn’t care about her opinion. I put my hand on the silver handle and then I turned it in little did I know that was the biggest mistake an idiot could make. This is why you like your car doors kids. We’re in the middle of driving the boom it all happened. I open the car door while we are in the middle of driving. Don’t give me wrong I didn’t get in trouble but I did get those donuts. Is this a life lesson? Will you should always know not to open the door while driving.  What could I say curiosity killed the cat you know.

“ ELOISE ( can’t say my last name nor middle )! ” My moms voice came yelling, she parked her car on the side of tiny apartments, she came out of the car, going to the window side I’m on. SLAM, she closed the door with all of her strength. “ Mom, ” my sister asked chewing her pink GAP hoodie strings. “ Yeah, Yad..? ” My mom sighed. “ Is Eloise is trouble? ” I was furious! What kind of question is that? “ None of your beeswax.. ” I mumbled. “ MOM ELOISE TALKED BACK. ” Was she picking a fight with me, I’ll have you know I have a 4 win streak on SORRY! so I’m undefeatable! “ We’ll see. ” My mom turned the car around. “ Wait were turning around? ” I asked in guilt. “ It’s past your bedtime anyway.. ”She wasn’t wrong, it was 9:54 PM. “ Does she still get donuts? ” My sister asked in that annoying malicious voice. “ Oh right, do I still get donuts. ”I asked, realizing how ignorant I sounded. “ Sure.. ” This was the the first time I stressed my mom out this much!

We eventually got home, it was around 9:58 PM. We were all worn out, all we wanted to do was call it a night and go to bed. But don’t think I let the Dunkin’ Donuts
promise go to waste. To this day, my sister stills remind me about it. Is it embarrassing, yes. Do I wish I never did it, no. Because that thought me a lesson. What is that you may ask? Always lock the back seats if your child is 7-.


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