Word of 2019

Happy new year to whoever reads my blog! I should give you guys a name or something. That’ll be shared next blog. Anyway, how was the holidays? Did you eat a lot? Good presents, because we know it’s all about the presents am I right? Wait, it’s about spending time with your family, so we’re supposed to have sympathy? I’m just kidding. I’ll be introducing my word for 2019, whoop whoop! For me PERSONALLY in my own OPINION, 2018 was a pretty boring year. When I look back, I just see a bunch of stuff I forgot approximately two hours later. It’s just a whole bunch of blank, so that’s why my word for 2019 will be, ‘ Remember ‘! For every month in 2019 I want there too be at least one HUGE event for that month. Like for example, for January the important event can be making this system! It’s pretty easy if you think about it. If I do succeed in my efforts, I get to be satisfied with things to bring up for estimatingly four years. If. Give up three months in and remember in four years, I’ll cry! Thanks for reading!


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