SOL. 5 DAY 12

As I walked out of the stall, controlling my balance. Thank Jesus I didn’t fall to my doom embarrassing myself for the people who ever look over the cameras. I used two of my fiends shoulders as support to walk to the lunchroom, as my feet throb in pain I just called it perseverance. As I got in the room, takinging my first couple steps in those five inch torture devices, people looked from the noises of the heels clonking on the smooth floor. It was an estimate of thirty minutes till the show opened up to the public to see. As I walked in circles, trying to get my feet used to the pain, I had my good friend, Nelly asking me if we would like to switch shoes, I declined because again, perseverance. I again decided to eat through the pain, and it kinda worked. It was an estimate of twenty minutes until our faces were going to be exposed to the public. I wasn’t really as nervous as others were, I’m experienced with opening shows. It’s not bragging, it’s overall expressing emotion and how I feel and how others feel and how it doesn’t really effect me. I took off my shoes for a minute, I saw that the bottom of my foot had a red undertone, that wasn’t good. I put them back on, while taking a deep breath, preparing myself the pain I’m about to make myself experience. We got called on stage by the schools assistant principal, me and the girl we were hosting with thought us how to lower the mics and as well raise them. I understand it, and I’m pretty sure I still know how to do it. But enough about that, I’m pretty sure at this point of the night my feet just accepted the
Ain’t it was going through, so it went numb. The seats were getting fuller by the second, I was getting myself pumped up for the show, while my partner was telling me she was kinda nervous, I don’t blame her, it was a pretty big crowd. Then, my principal gave me the thumbs up to go on stage, I walked up, then..


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