
Showing posts from April, 2019

SOL. 26 DAY 30

Well, this is humiliating. So, after scrolling through my blogs, admiring that I have done all 25, I’ve noticed something, rather off. I didn’t do Day eleven. And since I’m like hungry hungry for this Chicago trip, I will do this. I’m surprised I may come out of this alive. So, today has been really umm. Yeah. When ever some says umm, it’s pretty self explanatory what they’re mind is processing. So, today in musical practice, we had to do our makeup for cast photos. I had to do my makeup twice, not once, twice. So the first time, I went in I tell you, IN. I spent right minutes rubbing white gunk on my face, then I got black eyeshadow. I was a zebra, and I. Telling you right now, it was bad, like it was a choice overall. Then, I either made people scared, or made people laugh. I did have people who were nice enough to give me good feedback and ask me if I need help. But I said no because I’m one those people who are loud, but are shy. You know what I mean? Are you one of those people, b...

SOL 25 DAY 29

Well boys and girls, this is it. My last blog post of April. I think. I’m not sure if there’s going to be homework or anything. Anyway, it’s been fun writing about my ,ice. I’ve looked over and I’ve noticed a huge transition in my slice of life’s. I went from describing every flipping second of the dat, to just going overall story time mode on you guys. And honestly, I enjoy writing it story time style on you guys because feel it’s really fun and I can add humor A LOT more easily then usual. Because I mean, there weren’t any rules specifically on how to write these. So, I’m going to have fun with it. Today in math was, odd. We had a sub today, and I prepared myself. Because whenever we have a person in the room that isn’t Mrs. Moon so in this instance the substitute, then class acts like they’ve had a million shits of expresso. Yep, that’s my math class. And my ELA class, but the class still acts like they’ve had a million shots of expresso even when Ms. Haury’s in the room. Poor thing...

SOL 24 DAY 29

Sadly, I hate to announce it. This is going to be my last day writing my Slice of Life blogs. I’ve made this decision so I can actually sleep at night with out being worried about it. I’m going to finish writing them today, Monday April 29. But on the bright side, I get to go to Chicago! As conceited as this might sound, yes, I did this decision for me. Because like I’ve mentioned, I need to sleep at night because one, school, and I just can’t take putting this in my schedule anymore. It’s not like I enjoy your company, what ever your name is, it’s just I wanna get back into using my free time in ELA for reading. So yes, feel free to stop reading if your already over my poor, poor decision and if your still going to stay I’ll save you the free time for questioning about it later. Again, I’ve mentioned this last blog, musicals this week, I’m looking forward to practice after school. Last week was super intense for the whole cast, including the crew because it was tech week and instead o...

SOL 23 DAY 29

Dang, I’m almost done with these. That’s a little, appalling sort to say. God, I’m almost free. Just kidding, I love staying up till midnight trying to get up to date with these. You think I’m exaggerating? Last night I stayed up till 11:50 PM writing two bloggers. It’s because I accidentally took a nap, because like I said last blog I stayed up until 4:50 AM or something when I was sleeping over at Nelly’s house. Then it kinda back fired in me. This week is the week of my musical! I finished doing my shopping yesterday. I practiced my makeup, I’m feeling pretty good where I stand currently. I got my shoes, which I’m going to wear for musical purposes only, because I’m like a slob when it comes to school, I’m extremely guilty of that. My mom is pretty excited for the musical, but since I’m actually in it I’m more excited than her. Or so I think, my sisters are attending as well,  cause I forced them, because they’re my sisters, so of course they have to come. My dad’s coming, he’s ...

SOL 22 DAY 28

I woke up, as tired as ever. Me and the girls slept so late last night, our friend, Cora, wanted to go to sleep at 10:30 PM or something, it ended up being 4:45 AM where we gotten a hint maybe it’s a good time to start chilling. We woke up, I believe at the same time around, 8:00. If I wasn’t woken up, I would’ve probably got up around 11:30 AM. But anyway, we were taking turns changing and I was second. But I waited a decently long time to go. Once Cora finally got out of the changing area, I brought in my tooth brush, clothes and my sweater. I brushed my teeth, not losing my streak I’ve been maintaining for ever. Then I changed, pretty average. I got out decently fast. We didn’t have a lot of time, since me and Cora were going to leave at 9:00 AM, so we made the most of our time together overall. Then the devastating time came, to leave. Cora’s mom picked her up, I walked because again like I mentioned in my last blog post, it isn’t that far from my home.

SOL 21 DAY 27

Today was splendid. Ugh, for some reason I think splendid is kind of a cartoony word, or is that just me thing? In sure, but that’s not the point here kids. The point is I’m having an awesome day, so it all started with me waking up a bit early for a Saturday, then I saw my sister, my mother and my father getting ready to see the new movie, End Game. They had an hour in a half to spare, so my dad offered me to go to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. It was packed, but hey it’s a Saturday Morning what can we say. I got my sisters hot chocolates while I decided to spoil myself to a vanilla Colada. Boy oh boy, was that drink tall for a medium, and the thing is I’m not complaining one bit. I offered my sisters sips of it, Aliana didn’t necessarily enjoy it as much as I did, because she’s not a coffee person. But on the other hand, my older sisters Olivia did. Later, I was offered to go to, ‘ A Day of The Child. ’ event by my friend Sofia. But sadly, I couldn’t go due to a head ache. Like four h...

SOL 20 DAY 26

I’ve been doing this for 20 days! Well, technically 18 but at least I’ve got them done! This has been very fun to do overall. Only five more days then I’m guaranteed of going to Chicago. I’m very excited for results. I’m hoping some did it as well. Because if I have the only one who actually did it, wooo that would be really awkward. Any who! It’s Friday! I’m decently excited for the weekend. After school I’m going to the Dollar Tree because I need to buy makeup for the musical Im contributing to. I woke up at 5:45 AM, because I go ultra instinct mode when I know the closet is open, because even though I’m almost a pre teen, those kind of things scare me to pieces! I woke up because my sister and her big head has to go to spring field like early early! And she doesn’t close the closet, so I had to get up and close it myself! That flipping tasteless swine! She doesn’t feel fear, she is fear itself. You may say I’m over exaggerating, but the only person who’s over exaggerating is YOU. Cl...

SOL 19 DAY 25

This week is so average where it gets to the point it’s so average of me to tell you guys it’s average and then it makes this whole blog post appear to be disgustingly average. I’m pretty sure this week has been exciting but I’m not necessarily paying attention to the aspect of the things that are exciting. I mean, yesterday I found out my friend Isabel also watches The Big Bang Theory. Which don’t get me wrong it’s an amazing show, but I’m looking forward more to watch the office than watch that. Please forgive me Sheldon. Speaking of television, I might watch The Act. It is such a good show! And it’s probably one of my few favorite shows I actually watch. I barely even watch TV. I’m more of a movie person. Any who, School was decent, well so far at least. In ELA we got a reality check about our behavior. And we realized how big of an issues our actions were.

SOL.18 DAY 24

Today was pretty fun in math! During PLT, ( personal learning time ) Mrs. Moon told is a bit about her school experiences. But I won’t say them here because it’s not really my story to tell. Any way, the work was pretty easy, as far as coordinate planes go to be honest. My new shoulder partner, Amadis, made the work lay out pretty simple and really easy to understand in her simple terms. Don’t worry, I said thank you, like eight times per time she helped me. I’m not really used to asking for help, once I got yelled at for not asking for help in fifth grade. It’s because I’m a bit shy. But hey that’s a me problem, not a you problem Miss I won’t say your name here because I don’t wanna get sued, lose trial, and go to jail in sixth grade. What would my jail name be? I think it’d be like, Jellowise. That’s already my nick name at home. Literally! I haven’t heard my mom say my name in like a year and a half. When ever she says my birth name I turn around in confusion and ask who said that. ...

SOL.17 DAY 23

Today was average, that’s the most casual way I can sum how it is so far. I’m looking forward to musical practice, but that hasn’t happened yet, so I won’t try to bring that up as much as I normally do because I’d talk about in any situation if I possibly can, but hey, that’s a ME problem. So I won’t make it a YOU problem. Math was fun, I got a new shoulder partner. I’m pretty excited about it. Her name is Amadis and she can help me stay on track because I’m not one to label people, but she is such a smart person and also a decently close friend of mine. And yes, don’t worry teachers, just because she’s my friend I won’t let the reason that she’s my friend affect my overall performance in class. Math in general has also never been my friend, but ever since sixth grade started, I found myself a little bit more comfortable with math. And I don’t wanna start something but, I think sixth grade math is easier than fifth and fourth grade math! Again, that’s a me thing, not a you thing, or un...

SOL. 16 DAY 22

Today, put that under pretty much average. But, the biggest catastrophe  happened to me this morning, it’s one of those chaos moments that no middle schooler ever wants to experience, like ever.   So, it all started at 4:30 AM, my dad wakes up for work, and since his alarm is like as loud as a dying cows scream, I obviously woke up. But for some reason, my sisters and mother didn’t wake up. So, I can confirm my siblings and mother are basically immortal. But hey, I’m really one to talk when it comes to immortality myself. Why are you making that face? Is there something in my teeth? Ah I get it, your eager to hear the story! Anyway, my big headed self went on my phone Andy watched videos of people attempting to bake, man Nailed It! is a classic. Before I knew it, it was 5:30 AM, I’m screwed. I threw my phone under my pillow, and forced my self to sleep, I wasn’t even tired though.  Fore I knew it, my 6:30 alarm rang. I was so tired, I don't even remember putting it on can...

SOL.15 DAY 21r

First of all, happy Easter. I hope you guys overall enjoyed your day as much as I did! Even though mine was weird, it was still enjoyable because of what? My moms lasagna! Which, first of all, she Sears’s to never disappoint me, five starts mom. Anyway, so my sister underestimated me. So my grades last quarter were pretty good, I don’t really like being cocky when it comes to these types of things, but hey, bringing it up is a big part for this blog. Again keep in mind this is no way of bragging, it’s just needed information to explain to you this specific moment of my day. So, for quarter three, I got twenty two fours. But my big headed sister underestimated my abilities and said I got like fifteen. ExCuse Me! Don’t you dare give out false information in my name. So obviously I defended myself saying that was false. Then she argued with me saying that she read them. And obviously, that triggers my anger issues and I was running up stairs to get my report card to show her that she was ...

SOL.14 DAY 20

Today was decent, average sort to say. It began with me waking up and going back to sleep at leas a zillion times until I got a hint that it was time to get up and not be lazy. My sister was up, on the couch watching Netflix, while my other sister was just gone some where. My dad made his way from the bathroom to the living room asking me what I want from Dunkin Donuts, I say chocolate long Jhomes because they are obviously the best option you can get to start off your day. But hey, I won’t start today’s blog post with a subtle controversy. I had  to wait a while to brush my teeth, because eating after you brush your toothers before the time spans of thirty minutes should be illegal in every place in the Milky Way, I’m talking to you too aliens! Anyway, fourteen minutes later, my dad’s back from the best donut place in the world, and again I’m pretty sure the aliens can agree with me on that.  I went through that donut so quick. But four minutes later, I realized something was...

SOL. 13 DAY 19r

So, today for me has been pretty weird but exciting and fun. That’s the most basic description I can ever give to sum up my day. So it all started at 8:00 AM, me rising from the depths of my cave, which my sister decides not to sleep in. I laid there, thinking about weird questions I constantly ask myself. Fo example, if you punch yourself and you cry, are you strong or weak? Like, it can’t be answered! Anyway, that’s unfortunately not what this blog post is about. So I discovered that my phone was right by my side, and boy oh boy I wasn’t going to to let that opportunity go to waste. As I adjusted my thumb on the home button to my phone, I then came to the depressing realization, my phone is dead. How depressing. That means I had to get up. That is probably one of the only reasons I get up. I would choose my phone then brushing my teeth everyday and night, which is hard to do. Wanna know what I can do with those four minutes of my day? Be in my phone! But hey, I kinda want healthy tee...

SOL.12 DAY 13

It was pretty weird today, but I can tell its going to be decently exciting! So yesterday, at musical practice, I wrote down my shirt information on a post it note, and my musical instructors were nice enough to let me pay the next day, aka today. I was lucky enough to get my mom to give me to fifteen dollars for my shirt. So I’m happy things worked out as planned. There’s as well a dance tonight, but I’m in a bit of a dilemma, I leave practice at 6:00 PM because today we are going to learn the finale for the choreography. And your only allowed to enter the dance at, 5:30 PM. So, I’m in a pickle sort to say. So, I plan on telling one of my instructors if i can leave an hour early, because I need to get changed for the dance. So thats my overall idea of what I should do. So, I’m just going to stick with my gut, and if they say no I can’t leave, then I’m screwed.  But my instructors are really nice, so I have an overall good feeling that they are going to let me, and let me catch up ...

SOL.10 DAY 17

So, quick to add that is was after IAR testing, which again is the most stressful thing any human could go through. It went from being to long ( 90 minutes ) to to short, ( 60 minutes). But, as walking into social studies, I came to the realization that tomorrow is the last day for IAR. Heck yes! As exciting as that was, that doesn’t mean I can slack my work. So time to be in full focus mode, but at the same time being excited for the last day of IAR, and that a GLOW dance is going to take place at school tomorrow, but I’m probably going to be there for an hour due to musical practice. Have I ever mentioned to you guys that I’m in our district musical? I’m not that big of a part, but that doesn’t mean I’m not happy and excited to be apart of something that everyone in the district is apart of. So, in social studies, me and my friend Xiomara played a ancient Roman game called, Rota. Which a quick disclaimer means wheel in Rome. Anyway, a round lasted like 67777 hours!     ...

SOL.9 DAY 16

So this happened like twelve minutes ago, but i just wanna write about it because it was one of the most random moments of my day so far. So I walked into my English Language Arts class, as usual to learn and fun stuff like that. I saw two of my close friends, Nelly and Daisy. And me, walking up to them, because it was still passing period and I didn’t really think anything of it pretty much. And I forgot what we were talking about other than wearing heels for the dance, ugh the word heels makes me wanna puke. But again, to challenge myself, I’m going to wear heels, but more comfortable ones for the dance. If I don’t make it out alive, tell them my story. Anyway, other than that I don’t know what we were talking about because we are really fast talkers in general. But we somehow got into the discussion of trust falls.. I know, random. But what’s even more random, two seconds after mentioning them, Nelly said the words, “ Trust fall ” in a matter of .88 seconds. Then all of this sudden ...

SOL.8 DAY 15

Today in ELA I got the biggest reality check I got in a while. So lemme give you a bit of information to start off with. So, almost everyday in class, we do a journal promo with a topic. Today we watched a video. This specific video was longer than usual, it was ten minutes and a couple seconds long. But dang, was it an eye opening in experience for me. It was showing like sixty random acts of kindness. There were a couple that made me smile, and there were also a couple that made me wanna sob my eyes out. Lemme name a couple for you viewers that decided to click on this blog post. So I’m pretty sure this was the first one on the list, it was a person who held a door shut to protect fellow students from a tragic natural disaster. The person who was brave enough to do that, went to the hospital. And knowing that he’s there because he was protecting his classmates really gives me faith in humanity sort to say. There was another one that made me wanna stand up, leave the room and cry. So ...

SOL. 7 DAY 14

I never realized how much of a bother I can be until this day and some of yesterday I can be to anyone that I meet so they can be apart of my life. So yesterday, like I blogged about, I went to my friends house they had a ukulele, and I never realized how easy it was to play and I instantly became really obsessed with the overall arts of it. Then I started strategizing, like a lot at home. I walked around the house just looking down, and I know what your thinking, Eloise, your selfish. And the answer is, I’m not usually like this but this is a call for desperation. My parents aka mostly my father asked me what’s up and I said four words since my birthday is coming up, I. WANT. A UKULELE.  It’s funny because throughout the day my father frequently kept asking that question, but he stopped half way through because my answer I was going to respond with was going to be so quick and predictable. God, I’m a genius, yet at the same time I’m annoying, sorry dad. Me and my dad talked about ...

SOL. 6 DAY 13

As I walked through the back yard with my friends, casually passing our backs keeping in mind we really didn’t need them for how close the trip is. It took us a while to get out of that backyard because we kept talking and joking, but hey I’m not really allowed to complain because I was doing it as well. As we finally got through the gate and into the alley for a place that is basically 45 steps away, we were again talking and making jokes, and again not allowed to complain because I was doing it as well. If your indexing where were going we are going to the infamous Dunkin Donuts. In all we had $23.50 with our money, and DD is pretty cheap so we were letting ourselves go crazy. Our order was very, wild. We asked for fifty munchkins and three vanilla colada’s. And they didn’t give us fifty munchkins! They gave us like one hundred and two! Which, I’m not complaining I’m just doing a exciting free frame in my head. As we walked through the drive through and into the alley, we just hung ...

SOL. 5 DAY 12

As I walked out of the stall, controlling my balance. Thank Jesus I didn’t fall to my doom embarrassing myself for the people who ever look over the cameras. I used two of my fiends shoulders as support to walk to the lunchroom, as my feet throb in pain I just called it perseverance. As I got in the room, takinging my first couple steps in those five inch torture devices, people looked from the noises of the heels clonking on the smooth floor. It was an estimate of thirty minutes till the show opened up to the public to see. As I walked in circles, trying to get my feet used to the pain, I had my good friend, Nelly asking me if we would like to switch shoes, I declined because again, perseverance. I again decided to eat through the pain, and it kinda worked. It was an estimate of twenty minutes until our faces were going to be exposed to the public. I wasn’t really as nervous as others were, I’m experienced with opening shows. It’s not bragging, it’s overall expressing emotion and how ...

SOL. 4 DAY 11

As I walked out of social studies, going to my locker and concentrating on getting my locker combination correct, lucky for me I got it first try. I put away my social studies book, just holding my folder and my two books. I went in, then slowly making my self realizing its a special schedule today so I go to lunch. It took me a while to process that information in my brain, but good thing I manage to leave my ELA room pretty quick with out anyone realizing I was there. I ran to my locker, quickly putting in my locker combination, again, managed to get it first try. I threw everything in my Coker, but my big head forgot I had my iPad around my shoulder. I saw my friends that I sat with at lunch by their lockers, I volunteered myself to walk with them, we managed to get there before we got called on to get our lunches. This schedule was sure confusing. I’m keeping in the back of my mind I have a show to host at 6:00 PM SHARP! So I am mentally preparing myself for that moment to come...

SOL 3, Day 10

As we were in the excitement of finishing up IRC, we were told the devastating news it was time to move in to block one, as devastated I was, it was what it was. But good enough for me that I didn’t have to switch classrooms since my excel is my science class. Our class were originally an estimate of an hour because of IRC. But for some drastic reason, it narrowed down for thirty nine minutes, but we’ll get more into that later. While I was in the back of the science room, reading about ocean currents and gyres. Then the intercom turned on, little did we know the words that came out would change our day performance. “ Please report to your excels at 11:20. ” It was 11:16, we were all confused then it hit us. Earlier today we were told in science that a pipe in our area broke, and our school was one of the areas it got affected by. So there was no water for drinking nor rest rooms. So of course we would slightly freaking out. I know it doesn’t really sound that big of a deal, but imagin...

SOL 2, Day 9

I sprinted through the hall ways, remembering it wasn’t allowed, so it turned into speed walking. I waited for my close friend, Isabel by her locker. It was clear I was impatient, but I didn’t wanna rush her because I’m too much of a softy. By the time she closed her locker I was going to speed to the lunch room, grab my lunch and go get my bottom to the band room on the second floor. But then had the realization she doesn’t run. Lucky for me, the line was clear, because it was the beginning of lunch and nobody called on the tables yet. I asked for the usual, the normal chicken patty. But I didn’t realize the dreadful thing that automatically made me not want to put the delicious sandwich in my mouth. I saw my other decently close friend, Diego by the exit door. I told him to go up while you can, but he was waiting for people. I insisted, then he agreed. Look, it wasn’t mean, we were late! We ran up the stairs, more like speed walking, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is we were wai...

SOL.1 Day 8

I braced me and my nerves as I was waiting outside of the most dreadful class of the day, math. I saw Mrs. Moon doing a gesture through the wood door. There was about five of us waiting, I was able to give myself a pat on the back for getting there early, but hey not to sound cocky it’s nothing new. I saw the writing on the board, and gulped. ‘ PARCC Prep ’. I never wanted to curl my head around my arms and ask my parents to never go to school again. But yet I really want my job as an archeologist so that isn’t really an option to quit when it comes to the real world. I pulled my seat and sat down, letting out a sigh of obvious stress. Two minutes later, the wooden door swinged open, as came in the people who are usually late for class. But it doesn’t really bother me because I had to get my work done. As I opened my Class Kick fairly quickly, I scrolled through all the old assignments we did earlier in the year I managed to find what exactly we needed to get started with personal lear...